Free Desktop Wallpaper Download

I am always on the hunt for cute desktop backgrounds and iPhone lock screens. It is a bigger bonus if they are encouraging, or inspirational. I spend a lot of time at my computer or with my phone, and I'm sure the same is true for some of you! So, I took one our most popular prints and made it into a desktop background or iPhone lock screen. 

I'm hoping to bring you new free desktop and iPhone backgrounds every month (we will see what happens)! Up first is 'You are so Loved'. I know this is an easy truth to forget. So pop this background on your computer or phone as a constant reminder that you are so loved! I know I need to be reminded of this on occasion and thought there might be others in need of this reminder as well. Download instructions for each background are below. 

Desktop Background // Click to Download

Desktop Background // Click to Download

iPhone Background // Click to Download

iPhone Background // Click to Download


To Download Free April Wallpapers:

  1. Click on the photo above - this will open a new window with the background 
  2. Right click and "Save As" to save on a computer. For mobile click image and save to phone.
  3. Set as your desktop or iPhone background.
  4. Enjoy!

The original 'You are so Loved' print can be found in the Machelle Kolbo Design Studio Etsy Shop. Enjoy!

These images are available for personal use on your phone or computer. Please don't steal them, try and sell them, or put them on your own products. Thank You!


Why You Should Check Out Our New Spring Designs

The new spring designs over in the Machelle Kolbo Design Studio Etsy Shop are a collection I am very excited about. I approached this collection knowing that I wanted a core group of products that were intentionally designed and created to complement the other items available. Read on to find out why I felt like this was important. 

One of the things I realized after one year of business was that I had gotten a little scattered in what I had available. I love all of what I created last year, but if I'm being real I don't know if it was all cohesive or a representation of the heart behind my business. I still love it all and believe in the quality of those designs. 

As I thought through my new designs I knew I wanted them to be intentional. My designs needed to encompass some elements of faith, as well as elements that would encourage and love customers. This also means I wanted to design items that would assist customers in loving and encouraging those around them.

What came out of that intentional design process is a collection of art prints, cards and journals that I am very proud of. It is my strong desire that these products in some small way can be an encouragement to you all. I love that I get the opportunity to enter your home and life through paper goods, design and lettering. 

Check out the photos below for a sampling of our new spring designs available over on Etsy! Don't forget if you are local and would like to arrange to pick up your items you can use the code LNKNE2016 at checkout to remove shipping costs.

Beloved Art Print // Hand Lettered Print + Watercolor Flowers

Beloved Art Print // Hand Lettered Print + Watercolor Flowers

Hand Lettered 'Be Still and Know' Print // Inspired by Psalm 46:10

Hand Lettered 'Be Still and Know' Print // Inspired by Psalm 46:10

Watercolor Thank You Cards // Created to easily send thanks!

Watercolor Thank You Cards // Created to easily send thanks!

Sweet Floral Cards // Set of 8 cards with envelopes - perfect for snail mail!

Sweet Floral Cards // Set of 8 cards with envelopes - perfect for snail mail!


There are also some great stories about the inspiration behind individual products. Check out these past posts for more of the heart behind specific products. 

This spring collection is fairly small, but we are excited to add to it intentionally throughout the year! Enjoy!



We are excited to announce that we now offer a Men's Dwell Deeply Journal! After personally using the women's Dwell Deeply Journal, and letting my husband Alex use one as well (he tried to make it a little less feminine), it became apparent that there was a real need for a similar men's journal! 

So why did we think this was so important to create? Read on for some thoughts from Alex on the creation of the men's version. 

Hey - Alex here - when Machelle launched the women's version of the Dwell Deeply journal it was exciting to watch women around her use these journals to process truth. I also loved watching how it was helping her process, and grow more consistent in quiet times and prayer. So, one day I asked if I could use one of the journals. So, I did. I loved it, but she designed them to be more feminine. I took the liberty to make some adjustments to the one I was using to give it cleaner lines and a more geometric feel.

The more I used the journal the more I saw how it was leading me to become more disciplined in my quiet time, but still giving me freedom to study anything. I also found that because I was writing things down and sketching them out they stuck in my mind more. This allowed me to recall things more easily and then share it with others. This recall was especially helpful for the areas of my life where I am leading others. 

Another cool thing was that Machelle and I were processing scripture, and writing prayer requests in a similar way. It gave us a great way to share truth and scripture with each other. Even though we would be studying different things we could encourage each other and share how we felt different scripture applied to our lives and specific situations. So, I wanted to create a men's version so that husbands and wives, or families could be processing scripture in a similar way. 

Most of all, I saw how this journal was helping Machelle with her quiet time, and I wanted that. Not only did I want it for myself, but for other men as well. So, we talked about the need for a men's journal, and I was enlisted to create the cover lettering, and inside lettering/graphics. 

Overall, the bones of the journal is the same. If you have used a women's journal all the sections are there. I just created graphics and different wording to make the journal less feminine and give a more gender neutral option for men. 

I hope you will take a look at the men's journal, and give it a try. My prayer is that this would help you be more disciplined in your quiet time, and ultimately help God's truth dwell in all areas of your life. 

Like Alex said, we are super excited to have these Men's Dwell Deeply Journals available! It has been such a cool way for us to process and share with each other. We created because we know sometimes you need a way to process what you are reading, or don't know where to begin with a quiet time. Interested? Check them out HERE